
Seed and Characteristics/Qualities of good seed

Seed -
Seed and Characteristics/Qualities of good seed

"Any material used for sowing or planting or propagation of a crop is called as seed. It may be m the form of seed or seedlings or tubers or bulb or rhizome or root or cuttings or graft or any other vegetatively propagated material"

Characteristics/Qualities of good seed:-

●It should be genetically pure.
● It should have high germination percentage.
●It should be free from any insect pests. It should be free from disease bearing organisms.
● It should be free from any admixture, dirt & inert material.
●It should be free from noxious,objectionable & satellite weed seeds.
 ●It should be clean,dry,bold,uniform in size & shape etc. 

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