
Agronomy and Its scope and Importance

Agronomy and Its scope and Importance

'It is the branch of agricultural science which deals with the principles and practices of field management for crop Production '


scope means at which things or places we can apply the knowledge of Agronomy. We can get all possible things (production, yield) which the basic farmers or producers need. We can study of the following contents
- Crop production - by maximizing our yield.
- Soil management - by improving soil fertility & productivity.
- Proper method of tillage - by using modern concept of tillage (Minimum tillage, Zero
- Suitable time of sowing - most important for seed germination & stability of plants.
- Proper method of sowing - (Drilling, Dibbling etc) for maintaining plant population.
- Maintaining farm implements & machineries in proper shape.
- Management of livestock including their feeding, management & disposal of farm and
animal products like milk and eggs etc.


For getting higher yield, agronomy benefits in
- Organic farming
- Sustainable agriculture
- Forestry
- Mixed farming
- Poultry production
- Sheep & Goat rearing
- Mixed & Inter Cropping etc.


  1. I want def of agronomy and its scope applications

  2. I've heard about that. My friend said he had read something similar in this site


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